Fully charged with the iPhone ON yesterday night till this morning, so began with 100% battery level this morning at 9am.

With wifi usage + applications usage for about 1 hour +, the battery is now at 40%.
Not very satisfactory results for me.
etc etc
What I did (so far so good)
What did the trick (so far so good)
Summary :
it was ok when i got the phone. maybe lasted the day till evening and played with functions apps etc. After installing apps, setting gmail etc, the battery life became....bad. It was like going back to the 80's...tried fully discharge (till battery became red color etc) and switching off to recharge etc. Fully charged battery didn't last even 1 hour of idling!
Now seems ok after i did the above, maybe u can give it a try (instead of fiddling with those SSBsettings, OpenSSH, reinstalling firmware solutions)